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“A study of 160 Failure to Thrive infants in Montreal with an average age of 8.8 months, concluded the average age of onset of feeding problems was 3.1 months and the average referral time by pediatricians for help was 19.2 months.” (Ramsay 1999)

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Helping Child Development Take Off!
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In The Home

Therapy Services provided and performed in the home.

Feeding Clinic

Specialized Feeding and Swallowing therapy performed in our Statesville clinic.


Therapy performed in the via Teletherapy in any setting via secure video and audio.

What's New

What's New - Carolina Speech And Occupational Therapy, Inc.

Greater Statesville Chamber of Commerce names us 2018 Small Business of the year!

TeleTherapy for Speech and Occupational Therapy now offered!

Current News

Current News for Carolina Speech Therapy, Inc.

Feeding Development Milestone Chart has now been published(more info)

Recent Events

Recent Events - Carolina Speech and Occupational Therapy, Inc.

TeleTherapy for Speech and Occupational Therapy now offered!

Occupational Therapy

How do I know if my child may need occupational therapy?

• Difficulty paying attention or following instructions.

• Overly sensitive to sound, touch, or odors

• Difficulty with manipulating toys and puzzles

• Frequently pushes, hits, or uses too much force when playing with other children

• Difficulties with clothing fasteners: zippers, buttons, shoelaces

• Low or high muscle tone or poor balance

• Difficulty coordinating both sides of the body

• Difficulty with copying shapes or letters

• Constantly moving, jumping, crashing, bumping

• Does not accept change in routine easily

• Finds it difficult to make friends with children of the same age, prefers to play with adults or younger children rather than peers

• Inability to calm self when upset

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